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 FT-06 Sever - High Hopes or Severed Dreams?

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Nombre de messages : 262
Localisation : Londres, UK
Date d'inscription : 21/12/2011

FT-06 Sever - High Hopes or Severed Dreams? Empty
MessageSujet: FT-06 Sever - High Hopes or Severed Dreams?   FT-06 Sever - High Hopes or Severed Dreams? Icon_minitimeJeu 26 Mar 2015 - 2:08

What did you hope and dream for when it came to a set of modern day high end G1 inspired Dinobots? Did you hope that Takara Tomy would follow Masterpiece MP-8 Grimlock up with the rest of the crew, all equally engineered to a high quality and representing toy and cartoon faithfully? You may have had enough of waiting and thrown your hat into the 3rd Party ring where we find FansToys and their Iron Dibots, or GigaPower and their Gigasaurs. So far FansToys have given us FT-04 Scoria (Slag) and FT-05 Soar (Swoop), all gorgeous, die cast, chrome-soaked and screen accurate to various degrees. Do you now have high hopes for FT-06 Sever (Snarl) to reach those same heights and surpass or are your dreams of a complete set of Masterpiece-style Dinobots/Dibots in danger of severance?

FT-06 Sever – High Hopes or Severed Dreams? | Source Blog <- CLICK TO READ

FT-06 Sever - High Hopes or Severed Dreams? IMG_9608

FT-06 Sever - High Hopes or Severed Dreams? IMG_9646

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