Nombre de messages : 262 Localisation : Londres, UK Date d'inscription : 21/12/2011
Sujet: Binaltech BT-17 to BT-18 (TFSource Article) Jeu 24 Juil 2014 - 1:01
Every line of Transformers has its toughies and special releases that create a headache for anyone hoping to complete the run, Takara’s Binaltech Transformers are no exception. In fact, it’s taken me a whole year and 2 months to address the sixth chapter of this article series that started all the way back with Binaltech BT-01 to BT-04. The main reason for that was the acquisition, price and rarity of 2007′s Wonderfest exclusive BT-17 Black Convoy. Once that was in hand and opened, alongside the e-Hobby exclusive BT-18 Rijie Electro Disrupter, we have Binaltech royalty, the exclusive cherries that top one of the best and most loved TF lines in history.